Saturday, December 25, 2004

i'm speechless

Yesterday is history,
Tommorow's a mystery,
Today's a gift,
That's why we call it the Present.

"Each day I wake in gratitude.
Thanking Allah,
He let me rise
And To Him I only
Seek His assistance."

kenaper plak aku terclick dier nyer gambor tadik...
argh..tak pasal2 dah sedey..
teruk ah..
bukan ader paper pon..tapi sad gak lah pasal skang aku dah tahu apsal dier react cam tu kat aku ...
cumer as fren aku raser menyesal pon ado ader kawan cam tuh..
baik tok sah kawan ngan aku kalo nak sakitkan hati aku..
then i learn something...
dont trust anybody..just urself...sib baik esok krismas...argh..manusia memang complicated

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